The study of how the nervous system's structure and function are related is called neuroanatomy. The term "brain folds" refers to bigger structures known as macrostructures. If not, the molecular and cellular structures are included in the microscopic structure. Glia and neurons will interact.

Knowledge Of The Nervous System

Additional Components

Neurons (Nerve Cells)

Neurogila (Gilal Cells)

How Do Neurons Work?

A cell body and two processes are together referred to as neurons. It is divided into:Dendrite Axon

The axon only appears in a single quantity whereas there are several dendrites present. Signals are received by dendrites and sent to the body cells. The axon, on the other hand, aids in signal transmission as well, albeit at a greater distance. Synapses, which are made by neurons, may be seen under a microscope. The following is the method for passing signals:Dendrites or another neuron cell body are the pathway from the axon to the neuron.